Thursday 1 July 2010

Exhibition: The Corner Shop

To keep me occupied throughout the summer I chose to do an exhibition with a hand full of creatives from my class at Salford University. We asked at the triangle if there was any free spaces available and could we hold an exhibition in one if so. We exhibited on the 24th-25th June During the DNA exhibition. This turned out to our advantage as there was plenty of designers and creatives around.
We chose to go with a theme for the exhibition in the form of The Corner Shop. Showcasing self promotion work and selling ourselves as designers. With business cards and promotional items to pop in our Designers choice bags for people to take away.

The Corner Shop in The Triangle, Manchester.

My crate plinth with self promotional bit's.

The bags for people to take way and put promotional items in.
All credit to Mike for designing the logo and getting the stamp made.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Self promotion bit's

I am currently working on my self promotion, I have played around with a few things in my sketchbo
ok and the idea is CHELSEASCOTT (when you say it, it sounds like Chelsea's got...) using this i will show my skills with a few personal things in there to keep it interesting and not the same old "i'm very passionate about graphic design blah blahh". (kind of hard to word what i mean).

Here's what i mean...


And heres a few doodles from my sketchbook, nothing special:

I chose a different route to go down rather than a typography or illustration piece, i wanted something you can handle and play with to keep it interesting.
To promote myself i will send out tubes containing my CV, cover letter, business card and a scroll of CHELSEASCOTT...

I have also created a smaller version to hand out if necessary, it has my contact details and could be used as a business card without the card. 

Please excuse the poor quality photo's.

Friday 23 April 2010

Sweet tooth.

I came across some old work the other day, this is a logo from a brief i was given in the 1st year to create an independent sweet shop. I chose the logo above as my final logo but i quite like the logo bellow now.

Monday 12 April 2010

Brief: Fedrigoni

The YCN Brief was to encourage more designers and the creative community to visit and use the Fedrigoni London Showroom, where they can showcase their fine and speciality papers.
The brief was very open, the main key was to attract designers into the showroom.

The box would be sent to design studios with leaf like invites.
I chose to go with the theme of The Secret Garden to showcase Fedrigoni's luxury papers.
Inside the box will be screen printed invites for designers to attend a special event at the showroom. 
The showroom will showcase the quality papers with hand made flowers and leafs throughout, with a paper made tree for designers to hang up their work and discuss with other designers.

I designed a simple logo for the invite with a few short words.
"Follow the leaf trail and all will be revealed..."

On the front, with 

"Dig up your work, shed loads if you like and hang it upon our tree, Kick your feet in our Fedrigoni leaves and relax in The Secret Garden with other creative types. You can explore our luxury range of papers straight from our tree."

On the back.

To add the the leaf like effect i chose to screen print the invites to experiment with different colours and printing effects, I then finished off by embossing veins into the invites.

On the back of the note on the box I wrote:

"You are invited to let go an explore our luxury papers. Leave the city and unwind in The secret Garden."

Monday morning-ish

Today is the start of my blog, enjoy!
And please bare with me.